Who was Michael Benedum?
Michael Benedum and his wife, Sarah, were natives of West Virginia. During his lifetime in the oil and gas business, Mr. Benedum amassed a fortune, ranking him in his day among the 100 wealthiest Americans. The Benedum’s established the Foundation in 1944. Mrs. Benedum died in 1951; Mr. Benedum in 1959.
Does the Foundation make grants to individuals?
No, grants are made only to 501(c)(3) organizations and to qualified government units and agencies.
Does the Foundation fund scholarships?
No, the Foundation does not fund scholarships.
How large is the Foundation?
Please review the Foundation’s audited financial statements.
Who serves on the Foundation board?
The board includes eight members: four members from West Virginia and four from Southwestern Pennsylvania. Click here for a list of board members.
Does the Foundation support organizations outside West Virginia or Southwestern Pennsylvania?
The Foundation’s geographic focus is on these two regions and generally no grants are made to organizations out of the regions.
Does the Foundation accept grant applications electronically?
Yes. See the How To Apply page for instructions.
Does the Foundation fund conferences, publications and media projects?
Grants for conferences, publications and media projects are considered only if they are an integral part of a Foundation-supported program.
How can we contact the Foundation?
Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation
1400 Benedum Trees Building
223 Fourth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15222