EDUCATION. The Benedum Foundation seeks to foster learning environments, across formal and informal educational systems, that position young learners to thrive in career and life. Academic achievement, social and emotional wellbeing, and real-world workforce preparation are the ultimate objectives of this program.
The Foundation places a high priority on teacher quality and the most advanced instructional tools. Because schools do not function in isolation, the Foundation also looks to the resources of community organizations, business, and higher education to reinforce the learning objectives of the classroom. In preparation for the rising demands of the workplace, the Foundation recognizes the need for all students to enter some form of post-secondary education.
Although the Foundation is interested in any significant opportunity to improve the education system, current specific areas of interest include:
- Programs that improve teacher quality through professional development and innovative instructional strategies.
- Early childhood educational practices that bolster children’s social, emotional, cognitive, and academic development, including early intervention services that support school-success.
- Expanded and extended learning opportunities that complement and enhance the learning that occurs during the traditional school day.
- Career education and future readiness skill development, aligning secondary and post-secondary programs to high-demand, high-wage occupations.